Pierre Chrétien is a Canadian bandleader, multi-instrumentalist and composer who has had international success with his bands The Souljazz Orchestra, Atlantis Jazz Ensemble and his project Cinephonic, and in this episode you’ll learn about all of these and hear highlights from some of these albums on the Marlow Records label. Pierre shares how left his career as an Engineer to devote himself to a full-time career as a performer. He also demonstrates some rare vintage instruments at the beginning of this episode, which he’s also an expert at repairing. Pierre is so creative and some of his gorgeous album covers are featured here (which take you to Marlow Records). Bandcamp links are below as well!

Like all my episodes, you can watch this on my YouTube channel or listen to the podcast on all the podcast platforms, and I’ve also linked the transcript. Spotify Apple Podcast

Video Transcript

Marlow Records Atlantis Jazz Ensemble Bandcamp The Souljazz Orchestra Bandcamp Cinephonic Bandcamp

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Episode with drummer Mike Essoudry (in Atlantis Jazz Ensemble)

Are you curious about all the other episodes of this podcast? Complete Catalog of Episodes

Speaking to such a diversity of people shines a light on the persistence required to attain mastery in any field. I try to constantly improve every aspect of this podcast, since I take care of all the many jobs of research, production, and publicity. I really do need the help of my listeners to keep this project going; please consider buying me a coffee through my support page which is linked to Paypal: Support link on Ko-fi


Avi Kishna


Edison Herbert