Leah Roseman Leah Roseman

Julie Lyonn Lieberman

I was thrilled to have a fascinating chat with the inspiring and innovative multi-style violinist/vocalist, author, composer, producer and educator Julie Lyonn-Lieberman. I first learned about her when I bought her book "You Are Your Instrument", which was the first book written about how to overcome and prevent musicians’ overuse injuries. In this conversation we discuss her unique path through world music, some of the research she’s done for her book and radio programs, illuminating the history of slave fiddlers and the evolution of improvised string playing in the United States. She gives some wonderful advice about following your own path: Julie Lyonn Lieberman: "When people tell you that your ideas are not valid and that you should go the pathway that's already carved out, but you're hearing a different drum beat, follow your heart and soul because this is your life. And I've always said that when I reach the final moments of my life, I don't want to look back with any regrets about anything. I want to be able to look back and say that I created everything that was important to me. And this idea of you're supposed to do something that's distasteful for you so that later on, when you retire or later on in your life, you can get to the things that you really want to do, I don't abide by that. Yes, the going is harder when you are making your own pathway through the woods that never had a path. But, it's so deeply satisfying. Then you feel whole about what you came here in this lifetime to do."

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Arna Einarsdóttir

I speak with Arna Einarsdóttir who was at the time the Managing Director of the National Arts Centre Orchestra Canada. Previously she was the Managing Director of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. Earlier in her career she worked as a flutist, playing with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra from 2000-2004. In this wide-ranging conversation, Arna's warmth and engagement really come through. It is really interesting to hear her perspectives due to her involvement with the orchestral world in very different roles.

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Leah Roseman Leah Roseman

Karen Donnelly: Trumpet Player

Karen Donnelly is the Principal Trumpet player of the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa, Canada, and a well-known educator. In this episode, we get to hear Karen's beautiful playing, and I talk to her about her background, her work with the Canadian Women's Brass Collective , some of her unique outreach work and her resilient practice routine!

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